What Are Some of the Affordable Dental Implants Available?

Types of Dental Implants

Before someone chooses what dental implants are most affordable they have to know what kind exist. Below you will find the two types:

  • Endosteal - This type is set in the jawbone. Most of the time they are made of titanium and look like small screws. These are the most common types of implants.
  • Subperiosteal - This type is set on or over the jawbone. This may be done because the person does not have a jawbone that is healthy enough to support an endosteal implant.

Alternative Dental Implants

There are different implants that a dentist may choose. If someone has enough healthy jawbone left and requires an implant for a specific reason, other types of implants may be done. Some alternative types of dental implants are listed below.

  • Immediate Load Implants - This implant can be finished in a single dentist visit. If you have a healthy jawbone this is a good option.
  • Mini Dental Implants - These implants are most commonly used to stabilize a set of dentures. These implants are about the size of a toothpick. These take less time to implant and require less work.
  • All-on-4 - This implant is used instead of using a top or bottom set of replacement teeth. This works well because no bone grafting is needed. Also, the implant uses your natural bone when setting, making it permanent after about six months.

Most Affordable Dental Implants

There is a range in price when it comes to types of dental implants. The simplest and most affordable type of implant is a denture implant that is removable. This is more affordable then other non-removable denture types. Next, there is the non-removable set of dentures that are implanted by the dentist and cannot be removed. This allows for a stable implant. The very last option is to replace a lost tooth or set of lost teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

All dental implants can help those who have lost teeth or have damaged teeth that need to be replaced. The different types of benefits are:

  • Stops Bone Loss - When someone loses a tooth it causes bone loss. This loss of bone causes your face to age much quicker. With dental implants, the jaw is better stabilized, and has a better look in the future.
  • Better Smile - Modern day dental implants look more natural which means having a better smile.
  • Affordable - Also because of modern dentistry and new techniques, many types of implants are more affordable than in the past.

Top 5 Routes for “What are some affordable dental implants available?”

    1. affordabledentures.com - This website gives a lot of information on the different dental implants as well as costs and what to expect when getting a dental implant.
    2. authoritydental.org - This is a great website with information on dental implants as well as more information on dental health and affordable dental plans.
    3. beautysetter.com - This is an article on how to get the most affordable implants. It gives tips on how to find the right dentist who will give you the best price.
    4. dentalimplantcostguide.com - This site helps by giving you more information and specifics about different dental implants. It also gives a list of affordable non-implant dental replacements.
    5. aaid-implant.org - This is the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and is designed with all kinds of information about dental implants including potential costs. 

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