Back Pain

Finding the Information Needed

Whether one is dealing with back pain themselves, or knows someone who is, one thing remains the same: they want to know why it's happening and what can be done about it. In this age, the amount of informational resources available to the average person can be a bit overwhelming, however. Knowing how to verify medical information and what information to trust can also be a challenge.

Fortunately, we've compiled some basic information as well as a list of some of the top resources used by everyday persons to research issues related to their back pain, and how to find treatment for it.

What to Look For in a Resource

There are some basic criteria one may wish to consider when assessing the validity of resources related to their back pain management. Such as:

  • Is the site part of a larger network hosted by a medical facility?
  • Are contributors to the site licensed medical professionals?
  • Is the information provided verifiable via medical texts or journals?

A good resource will include at least some of these features but is not limited to only these.

Types of Back Pain

There are a variety of types of back pain that may afflict someone, and each type can have similar or very different types of pain or symptoms. As such, the causes can vary greatly, as can the particular treatments for each.

Lower Back Pain

More common than upper back pain, it is primarily caused by compression of nerves or improper movement of the spinal joints.

Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is not particularly common, but when it does occur, it is most likely the result of muscular irritation, joint dysfunction, or both.

Back Pain On Right Side

Back pain on right side of the body, particularly if it is lower right back pain, has numerous possible causes. These include injuries to muscles surrounding the spine, problems with the spinal structure or diseases affecting the internal organs.

Back Pain On Left Side

Back pain on the left side of the body can be commonly caused by such things as problems with the organs in the mid back or abdominal regions, such as the kidneys. There are many other factors, and some of the sites we've compiled will provide more information.

Top 5 Routes for "Back Pain"

  1. Medical News Today An informative site that has a simple, clean layout and provides the causes, symptoms and possible treatments for back pain. Articles are peer reviewed by professionals before publication.
  2. Spine Health Earning its name of "trusted information for back pain," this site provides a wealth of textual information accompanied by photos and graphs, written by various MDs. Helpful treatment options are recommended, and topics related to issues that may be of interest are provided for easy access.
  3. WebMD A premiere and oft-referenced site for all things medical, WebMD, of course, has its own section related to back pain. From a general overview, to pain management, to understanding back pain, to connecting with people researching or dealing with similar issues. WebMD provides comprehensive coverage on the topic.
  4. Mayo Clinic The Mayo Clinic's team of research and medical experts provide easy-to-understand, trusted information regarding back pain and all of its possible symptoms and treatments, as well as their recommendations on what steps to take to manage the pain.
  5. A site that provides helpful, basic information about back pain. Includes such things as the anatomy of the back, so that one can better understand how their back works, aiding in diagnosing and managing their back pain in the future.

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