Asthma Symptoms
Asthma is a type of chronic respiratory condition that affects a large number of human beings all around the planet. It involves the expansion and constriction of the airways. It involves the manufacturing of excessive amounts of mucus as well. People who suffer from this medical condition often experience trouble breathing. People who have asthma frequently experience many other types of difficulties as well. These difficulties range from shortness of breath episodes to uncontrollable wheezing fits. The answer to the cause of asthma is as yet uncertain. People believe; however, that hereditary and environmental components may be at play. There...
COPD Life Expectancy
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a term for a progressive lung disease which makes it difficult to breathe. The two main types of COPD are emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which are usually caused by lung irritants such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, dust, or inhaled chemicals. As a progressive disease that impairs breathing more and more over time, COPD does shorten lifespan. However, factors such as disease stage and lifestyle choices can mean greater longevity despite this diagnosis. The progression of COPD is tracked in stages. A higher stage will generally mean a shorter life expectancy, but the earlier the disease is diagnosed...
Gout Pain Relief
Gout is a type of painful inflammation that occurs when an accumulation of uric acid form in the joints. Uric acid is a component that is usually broken down from purines that are part of our diet and present in our body tissues. A gout attack is so painful and a person who suffers such an attack feels a burning pain like they are being pricked by thousands of needles in the joint. Gout is triggered by a buildup of a blood chemical- uric acid. Usually, uric acid is present in body tissues as it's usually made by the body and is generally harmless since most of it passes out with the urine. People who suffer a gout attack commonly have extraordinary uric acid levels in...
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that happens when an individual stops breathing while they are attempting sleep. Those people who deal with untreated sleep apnea will stop breathing multiple times during the night. This in turn can cause serious oxygen deprivation to the brain and body. Two types of sleep apnea are more common than any others. They are: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): This happens when soft tissues at the back of the throat collapse when a person is sleeping; blocking the airway. Central sleep apnea: This is a little less common. It is a condition whereby the brain is unable to signal muscles properly, and the person is unable to breathe....
Causes Of Arthritis
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) puts the number of adults who have been diagnosed with arthritis to 52.5 million. Arthritis can ruin a person's ability to engage in daily tasks. Early diagnosis of arthritis can help prevent irreversible disability and damage. Here is a look at what arthritis is, the causes, the symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. A joint is the point where two bones meet. A joint helps move the parts connected by two bones. Arthritis often features joint pain which is also known as arthralgia. When an inflammation involves four joints and more it is known as polyarthritis....
Bulging Disc Symptoms
A bulging disc, also known as a protruded or slipping disk, is a common spine injury. While some cases of bulging disc symptoms are not troublesome, some may cause problems in future. Here is a look at what a protruding disc is, the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for this condition. Discs located between your spinal vertebrae take in shock and help you to move. Bulging discs usually form in your lower back. They arise when a deteriorated or weakened disc starts to swell through an opening in your spine and extends beyond its normal confines. Therefore, a bulging disc is one that gradually shifts outside its usual position. While the disc moves, its...
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spaces within the human spine become narrower than they normally are. The narrowing leads to increased pressure on the nerves which travel through the spine, and this may result in pain. Most cases of stenosis affect the neck and the lower back. The condition can be a little bit hard to diagnose because sometimes the patient may not have any symptoms. However, there are some cases where the patient will have symptoms such as numbness, weakness of the muscles and a tingling sensation in different parts of the body. Pain is also a common symptom, and it can worsen over time. Arthritis is thought to be the single leading...
Pneumonia Treatment
Sometimes mildly annoying, sometimes fearfully fatal, pneumonia is an infection whereby the alveoli—or air sacs—in the lungs are laden with fluid or pus secretions. This causes labored breathing while less oxygen gets to the bloodstream. Bad as it can get, pneumonia is a treatable ailment; its remedies depending on its severity and cause. The pathology of pneumonia will point to the best protocol for treatment. How did it get into the lung(s) in the first place? Physicians most often select from three culprits: bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The first two sources lead to a contagious form of the infection. One third of all cases are viral, which afflicts...
COPD Symptoms
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. COPD usually begins as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. The most common causes of these diseases are smoking and/or breathing in second-hand smoke. However, it is also seen in individuals who work in environments where there are a large number of lung irritants. These include air pollution, chemical fumes, and dust. The smoke and dust particles irritate the lining of the lungs; leading to inflammation and the destruction of the air sacks or avioli. The most commons COPD symptoms include: Shortness of breath Shortness of breath or dyspnea can...
Pneumonia Symptoms
Pneumonia is a condition that affects the lungs. It can be brought by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Pneumonia inflames the air sacs of your lungs, these sacs are also known as alveoli. The moment a person's alveoli are full of pus or fluid, the afflicted person experiences difficulty breathing. Here is a look at some different types of pneumonia, the main pneumonia symptoms of the disease, the risk factors, and how it is diagnosed. Pneumonia can be classified depending on what organism has caused it: Bacterial Pneumonia This type of pneumonia is caused by chlamydophila pneumonia, streptococcus pneumonia, or legionella pneumophila. Viral Pneumonia...
What Causes High Cholesterol
High cholesterol refers to high levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which builds up along the arterial walls causing dangerous blockages. Unlike other serious health conditions, it's primarily due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and can lead to other health problems down the road. The following are known to be contributing factors in the development of high cholesterol: Excessive consumption of both trans fats and saturated fat can raise cholesterol levels over time. Unfortunately, the modern Western diet consists largely of foods that contain these harmful fats. Trans fats are commonly found in: Fried foods Baked foods Crackers...
Treatment For Arthritis Pain
Arthritis is characterized by hurtful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. This condition is caused by a vast range of situations; as a result of old age, the joint cartilage wears away. Arthritis pain is widespread and has attracted numerous remedies. Most of these solutions are effective, while some are not. Injuries that later become degenerative arthritis Inherited osteoarthritis Abnormal metabolism Below is treatment for arthritis pain that alleviate the soreness. Losing weight Weight loss is a natural way to ease arthritis pain. As efficient as the remedy is, it is not simple. People...
Irritable Bowel Symptoms
Between three and 20 percent of Americans experience the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. This condition afflicts more women than it does men. Some people suffering from IBS experience minor symptoms that go away with time. However, for others, the symptoms are severe and have significant health effects. Here is a look at what IBS is, the symptoms, the risk factors, and the treatment options for this condition. Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder that afflicts a person's large intestine. The three main types of IBS are: IBS with constipation: This form of IBS is characterized by discomfort and stomach pain, infrequent or delayed bowel movement,...
Lower Back Pain
Nearly 80 percent of the adult population deals with some sort of lower back pain in their lifetime. Whether it is the result of a job-related accident a former sports injury or even hereditary factors, low back pain is a significant yet treatable issue in most cases. Understanding the different types and causes of low back pain as well as learning the treatment options available is an important step for any individual dealing with this health concern. Men and women both deal with lower back pain equally. The issue varies in intensity from a dull, continuous ache to a sudden, intense pain that may even leave the individual debilitated. Abrupt pain is typically...
Symptoms Of Diabetes
The World Health Organization (WHO) approximates that more than 29 million Americans are living with diabetes while the number is at 380 million people worldwide. The number is expected to double by the year 2030. Diabetes alone kills more people than AIDS and breast cancer combined. Now, that should be a reason for alarm. Let us then find out more about this condition. Diabetes is a disorder where your body is unable to control blood sugar levels. What happens is that after digestion, the body breaks down food into glucose which is released into the blood stream. The pancreas then releases the hormone that enables the glucose to be absorbed into your cells...
Pain Relief For Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common types of arthritis. This condition causes joint stiffness and pain. OA develops slowly, overtime and may affect different joints. However, it is more common in the spine, feet, hips, knees, and hands. Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, the symptoms can be relieved after a few years. Here is an overview of what osteoarthritis is, causes, risk factors, symptoms, and pain relief methods. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis characterized by the disintegration and gradual loss of the cartilage in a person's joints. Cartilage is the protein substance that cushions the bones of your joints. Cartilage...
Treatments For Shingles
Shingles is a painful skin rash caused by a virus. It is the same virus that causes the chicken pox. It is a different situations from the normal herpes virus that most people consider it linked to. Shingles usually appears as a cluster, band or strip on one side of a person's face or body. It appears as a rash and transforms into blisters that eventually become pus-filled and open. Statistically, one in every three people will contract shingles at some point in their lifetime. Shingles occurs when the same virus that caused chickenpox starts up in a person's body. Shingles most commonly affects older adults or those with already weakened immune systems,...
Depression Symptoms
"What is depression symptoms" defined as in the medical field? According to the article "Symptoms of Depression" on WebMD.com, the following symptoms surface with depressive disorders: Difficulty concentrating Difficulty making decisions Difficulty recalling information Feelings of hopelessness Feelings of guilt Loss of interest in hobbies Loss of appetite Overeating Persistent body aches, headaches, cramps Feelings of sadness Anxiety Thoughts of suicide Suicide attempts Though not all of these symptoms appear for those suffering from the disorder, a combination of the above may be observed in individuals who may be suffering from a mild...
What Causes Sciatica
Sciatica occurs when a person suffers pain arising from the compression or irritation of their sciatic nerve. This is the longest nerve in the body. The sciatica nerve starts from behind your pelvis, moves through the buttocks, and goes all the way to the bottom of your feet. Sciatica pain is normally felt around a person's buttocks and legs. While the pain may disappear in a few weeks, in some cases, it can last for up to one year. Read on for information on what causes sciatica, the symptoms, and treatment for the condition. In many cases, sciatica arises due to a slipped disc also known as a herniated disk. A herniated disk arises when soft inner material of...
Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. The immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. With psoriatic arthritis, the immune system targets the joints and the skin. Most often, those who have psoriatic arthritis have dry, scaly, itchy, or painful lesions (psoriasis) on their skin, but it is possible to have psoriatic arthritis (PsA) without any noticeable skin changes. Symmetric Psoriatic Arthritis Symmetric PsA is the most common type, affecting half of those who have the condition. With symmetric PsA, joints on both sides of the body are affected equally. An arthritic left knee would be matched with an arthritic knee on the right....
Herniated Disc Symptoms
A herniated disc, sometimes referred to as a slipped disc or ruptured disc, is a condition that affects the cushions that sit between the spinal vertebrae. These cushions, or discs, are composed of a soft, jelly-like substance that sits within an outer ring of tougher material. A herniated disc occurs when this jelly-like substance pushes or leaks out through a tear in the outer ring. Age: gradual deterioration of spinal discs over time makes older adults more prone to herniation. Weight: excess weight places more stress on the spine and increases chances of herniation. Occupation: people who must do a lot of lifting or repetitive activities that involve...
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, attacks 1.5 million people in the United States. RA and lupus are autoimmune diseases. Both diseases involve poor immune system function and regulation. This dysfunction leads to inflammation, which destroys tissue cells and limits quality of life. Both RA and lupus can cause severe impairment. Rheumatoid arthritis doctors don't fully understand what causes RA, but they know an abnormal response of the immune system leads to inflammation and joint damage. Genes, hormones, and environmental factors contribute to the progression of RA. First, infectious bacteria or viruses may lead to the onset of RA. Second, the body's...
Normal Blood Sugar Level
A normal blood sugar level is important for a person to maintain optimal health. In most people, the body regulates blood sugar (glucose) quite effectively. Most people never feel physical symptoms from the drop in blood sugar between meals. Normal blood sugar levels for the average healthy person should be 4.0-6.0mmol/L (72 to108 mg/dL) fasting and up to 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) two hours after eating. Sugary or carbohydrate rich foods release glucose into the blood stream quickly, causing a spike in blood sugar. A counteracting hormone is then released to help the body metabolize the excess sugar in the blood stream. This hormone causes this excess...
Lower Back And Leg Pain
The spine is made of ligaments, tendons, and bones that work together to enable movement. With time, this movement can lead to damages that result in lower back pain. Leg pain is often caused by problems with the lower back where the sciatic nerve originates and branches from the lumbar spine to the thigh. Lumbar nerves travel to different parts of the leg. Diagnosis of someone suffering from leg pain must include lower back examination for proper treatment. In most cases, soft tissues injuries and mechanical issues cause lower back pain, which later leads to leg pain. Tearing of muscle or ligament results in a sprain and strain. This can happen suddenly...
Cholesterol Numbers
Scientific research has shown that more than 75 percent of the cholesterol in the human body is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance which is very important in processes such as digestion and repair of body cells. However, when produced in excess, cholesterol can become harmful to the body. Cholesterol also comes from most of the animal based products that people eat, ranging from steak to eggs and dairy. The cholesterol found in these substances not only increases the cholesterol levels in the body but also triggers excessive production of the body's cholesterol by the liver and the cells. Most people make the mistake of thinking...
Fibromyalgia Pain Relief
Fibromyalgia is becoming more and more common in the USA. Recent estimates show that around 5 million Americans over the age of 18 have some degree of fibromyalgia pain. Almost 100 percent of these patients are women. No one is exactly sure what causes fibromyalgia, but a few theories include heavy metal toxicity, low serotonin levels, and high stress lifestyles. In this article, we'll go over a few of the warning signs of this disease and mention a few ways you can find effective relief from fibromyalgia pain. Here are just a few of the most common symptoms people with fibromyalgia report: Extreme fatigue Lack of mental clarity Muscle soreness Stiff muscles,...
Arthritis Symptoms
In the United States, more than 50 million people have arthritis. This condition is characterized by joint pain and stiffness. There could also be redness or swelling of the affected areas. There are many different types of arthritis, with a variety of causes and treatment options. Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common form of the condition. The slick cushioning (cartilage) between the bones breaks down. The joint can eventually erode, and the bones then rub against each other. A person's risk of osteoarthritis increases with joint injury, excess weight and a having a family history of the condition. Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid...
Eczema Causes
Eczema is a serious skin condition that can be frustrating to deal with. However, understanding more about what causes eczema will assist in identifying ways to prevent the issue from occurring. Eczema is a series of skin conditions that lead to red and itchy skin. This irritation oftentimes displays itself through red patches on the cheeks, chest, neck, around the knees, and even at the inner elbows. Eczema is a highly manageable condition that more than 30 million Americans suffer from. Eczema is most common in children and typically dissipates as the child grows older, although this isn't always the case. Adults can develop eczema as well even if the...
Osteoarthritis Symptoms
Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the joints. Although there are over 100 types of arthritis, osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of this disease. There is no known cure for osteoarthritis; however, the treatments available are meant to ease the symptoms of this condition and make life bearable. Here is a look at what osteoarthritis is, the symptoms, the risk factors, and treatment options. This is a condition of the joint that mainly affects the cartilage. Cartilage refers to a slipper tissue covering the bones in any body's joint. Healthy cartilage enables bones to glide against each other and also absorbs the shock caused by movement....
Symptoms Of ADHD In Adults
Many people believe that ADHD is only found in children or that a person with ADHD is unable to keep track of a simple conversation because they are so easily distracted. These beliefs are false and can cause people with ADHD to avoid seeking help. There are many resources available to help adults determine if they may have ADHD and to help them find treatment. ADHD is a complex condition and can present itself in three different diagnosable forms: Inattentive Individuals with this type of ADHD have difficulty with tasks that require long periods of focus. They may be easily distracted and appear as though they are not listening. Hyperactive-Impulsive...
Bronchitis Symptoms
Air is vital to your survival. Without taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide, your body would cease to function. When you breathe in, bronchial tubes carry that air into the lungs. Bronchitis occurs when these tubes become infected and swollen. Environmental factors, viruses, bacteria, and other lung conditions are some of the causes of bronchial infection and swelling. While anyone is at risk for bronchitis, there are several groups of people that are more prone to contracting it. They include: Individuals with gastric reflux. People with a weak immune system. Cigarette smokers. People exposed to chemical fumes, dust, and other irritants....
Inflammatory Arthritis
Inflammatory arthritis is a set of diseases characterized by the inflammation of joints and other tissues. The diseases include psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, among others. Most inflammatory types of arthritis are autoimmune conditions. What does this mean? In an autoimmune disease, the body's immune system turns against itself even though it's designed to protect the body. Studies show that genetics play an essential role in many forms. However, it is also suggested that genes alone don't determine the person who gets the disease since other...
Early Signs Of HIV Infection
Unprotected sex is a common practice in this day and age. While many look for ways to practice safe sex, there are one in five people in America today who are unaware of their HIV infection due to risky sexual behavior. Early detection of HIV can help slow its progression to AIDS, giving you a longer lifespan. You; therefore, need to know what first signs of HIV to look out for if you suspect you may be exposed to it. During the early stages of infection different people present various symptoms. These first symptoms of HIV appear during the first to second month post infection. When you are first infected, your body responds to the virus by experiencing flu-like...
Back Pain
Whether one is dealing with back pain themselves, or knows someone who is, one thing remains the same: they want to know why it's happening and what can be done about it. In this age, the amount of informational resources available to the average person can be a bit overwhelming, however. Knowing how to verify medical information and what information to trust can also be a challenge. Fortunately, we've compiled some basic information as well as a list of some of the top resources used by everyday persons to research issues related to their back pain, and how to find treatment for it. There are some basic criteria one may wish to consider when assessing the validity...
HIV Symptoms In Women
HIV, which stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that is spread through certain bodily fluids. These include semen, blood, rectal fluids, pre-seminal fluids, vaginal fluids, and finally breast milk. It is very common for it be transmitted when people share needles, practice unprotected sex, from contamination in blood transfusion and from mother to child during the process of pregnancy, birth of the baby and breastfeeding. It then travels a person's blood stream and attacks their immune system to weaken it. HIV is never transmitted through liquids like tears, saliva or sweat as long as it is not mixed with blood of an HIV-positive person....
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Did you know that 140 million Americans who are 12 years and above use alcohol? According to a survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 23 percent of these people are binge drinkers.Furthermore,roughly six percent are considered to be heavy drinkers with a further six percent qualifying for an alcohol abuse disorder. Alcoholic drinks are by far one of the most widely consumed products by the American populace. This prevalence has contributed to a rise in alcohol dependency over the recent years. Although safe and responsible consumption is possible, abuse and excessive intake have led to many users experiencing alcohol...