Pneumonia is a condition that affects the lungs. It can be brought by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Pneumonia inflames the air sacs of your lungs, these sacs are also known as alveoli. The moment a person's alveoli are full of pus or fluid, the afflicted person experiences difficulty breathing. Here is a look at some different types of pneumonia, the main pneumonia symptoms of the disease, the risk factors, and how it is diagnosed.
Pneumonia can be classified depending on what organism has caused it:
The main symptoms of pneumonia vary from severe to mild. These symptoms depend on your reason for catching the disease, your health, and your age. The common symptoms are:
Pneumonia is highest among children age two and below and the elderly. Some of the other risk factors include:
When you go to your doctor, your doctor will question the patient about their symptoms. Some of the tests that a doctor is likely to perform include:
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Many people believe that ADHD is only found in children or that a person with ADHD is unable to keep track of a simple conversation because they are so easily distracted. These beliefs are false and can cause people with ADHD to avoid seeking help. There are many resources available to help adults determine if they may have ADHD and to help them find treatment. ADHD is a complex condition and can present itself in three different diagnosable forms: Inattentive Individuals with this type of ADHD have difficulty with tasks that require long periods of focus. They may be easily distracted and appear as though they are not listening. Hyperactive-Impulsive...
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HIV, which stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that is spread through certain bodily fluids. These include semen, blood, rectal fluids, pre-seminal fluids, vaginal fluids, and finally breast milk. It is very common for it be transmitted when people share needles, practice unprotected sex, from contamination in blood transfusion and from mother to child during the process of pregnancy, birth of the baby and breastfeeding. It then travels a person's blood stream and attacks their immune system to weaken it. HIV is never transmitted through liquids like tears, saliva or sweat as long as it is not mixed with blood of an HIV-positive person....