Depression Symptoms

"What is depression symptoms" defined as in the medical field? According to the article "Symptoms of Depression" on, the following symptoms surface with depressive disorders:

Symptoms of Depression

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Difficulty recalling information
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Loss of interest in hobbies
  • Loss of appetite
  • Overeating
  • Persistent body aches, headaches, cramps
  • Feelings of sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Suicide attempts

Though not all of these symptoms appear for those suffering from the disorder, a combination of the above may be observed in individuals who may be suffering from a mild to severe depressive condition.

Causes of Depression

According to The American Psychiatric Association, these are the risk factors making individuals more prone to experiencing depression at some point in their lives:


This involves an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Researchers are currently in debate on whether or not brain chemicals in isolation can be responsible for clinical depression, but in combination with one or more of the other risk factors, it is agreed that chemical imbalances do increase a person's risk of depression disorders.


Genetics refers to a history of mental health issues in the family. It is agreed upon by professionals that genetics may play a role in mental health disorders, including depression.


Personality as a risk factor refers to individuals with self esteem issues, which may include distorted views of self and a general low self esteem according to the American Psychiatric Association.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors include individuals experiencing abuse, living in poor conditions, or those experiencing daily stress, according this same website. Experts are in agreement that environmental factors play a role in causing depression.

Diagnosis of Depression

Signs of depression should not be ignored. Having someone to talk to and discuss issues and feelings with is an important first step to addressing mild symptoms. Yet, if there is no improvement or symptoms seem to progress, professional help is suggested in order to resolve the causes of the depression. For an actual clinical depression diagnosis, it is agreed upon in the medical field that "two or more weeks" experiencing a combination of symptoms would be the minimum length of time for identifying a person with this disorder.

Top 5 Routes for "Depression Symptoms"

  1. This website offers information on depression symptoms and types of depression. It is best for individuals seeking to understand their own feelings and whether or not they are suffering from depression symptoms.
  2. This website offers information on symptoms and causes of depression and is best for individuals seeking general information on this disorder.
  3. This website offers 9 not so common signs of depression to watch for and is best suited for individuals with a basic understandnig of depression but are seeking additional information related to the symptoms that may surface with this disorder. Additional not so common signs can also be found on this webpage link here.
  4. This website offers a variety of topics on depression and is best suited for individuals seeking an array of information related to depression.
  5. This website offers information about many different medical conditions. This article offers up information about different forms of depression and the symptoms that may be involved with them, as well as other information. 

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