Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. The immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. With psoriatic arthritis, the immune system targets the joints and the skin. Most often, those who have psoriatic arthritis have dry, scaly, itchy, or painful lesions (psoriasis) on their skin, but it is possible to have psoriatic arthritis (PsA) without any noticeable skin changes.
Early diagnosis is crucial for the best outcome. Medications are available to reduce inflammation, pain, and decrease the risk of joint damage, which can occur within the first six months. Anyone with symptoms should see a doctor promptly. Most with psoriatic arthritis will have skin symptoms prior to having other symptoms.
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HIV, which stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that is spread through certain bodily fluids. These include semen, blood, rectal fluids, pre-seminal fluids, vaginal fluids, and finally breast milk. It is very common for it be transmitted when people share needles, practice unprotected sex, from contamination in blood transfusion and from mother to child during the process of pregnancy, birth of the baby and breastfeeding. It then travels a person's blood stream and attacks their immune system to weaken it. HIV is never transmitted through liquids like tears, saliva or sweat as long as it is not mixed with blood of an HIV-positive person....
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